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Real-Time Data Enrichment using REST API in SAS Dataflux


In SAS Data Quality project implementations, the client may have a requirement of SAS Data Quality output to be used by their downstream applications in REST compliant format.

In such a project implemented, there was a specific requirement to expose clustering attribute match-codes in REST compliant format. A custom search application built by the client was used to pass data with key clustering attributes as a request to the SAS Data quality engine and response to corresponding match-codes for the attributes was generated. This output was further used to query the customer clusters generated and the matching records were returned to their custom search portal main screen.

The requirement for SAS DataFlux Data Management Job-related REST APIs would vary from customer to customer. This Blog will be helpful for people to configure the REST API in SAS Data Quality implementations.

REST API Overview:

Representational State Transfer (REST) is an architectural style or pattern for designing web services that access the system’s resources using HTTP methods. The resources are accessed using Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) paths.

Three REST Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are included with DataFlux Data Management Server. These data management APIs are summarized in the following table:

Execution Mode Description Associated API
Real-time The input is passed in the request and the output is immediately returned in the response (as soon as the service job finishes). There are two types of real-time service job flows: data and process. Each has its own functionality, media types, and resources) very similar.
  • DataFlux Data Management Real-time Data Job REST API.
  • DataFlux Data Management Real-Time Process Job REST API.
  • The client starts job run and receives back a job run ID token.
  • The client must interrogate the server about the results of that job run.
  • DataFlux Data Management Batch Job REST API.
In this blog, we will describe the steps involved to configure and test the SAS DataFlux Data Management Real-Time Data Job REST API.
DataFlux Data Management Real-Time Data Job REST API

DataFlux Data Management Real-Time Data Job REST API is used to interact with (manage and execute) real-time data services on DataFlux Data Management Server.

This API allows clients to perform the following tasks:

A real-time service is a job flow that is executed in a real-time service mode, where the request contains input data, and the response contains output data. Real-time services are used for very quick job executions, where the client is waiting on the output data on the same connection (so it is more like “near-real-time”)

This API is an alternative to the older SOAP API of DataFlux Data Management Server. This REST API is designed to expose this pre-existing functionality in a REST complaint way.

Steps to deploy Data Job as a Real-time Service
Create Data Job in Data Management Studio (DMS)
Note: – The DMS version used is 2.7

Figure 1: Selecting Data Job

Expand the Data Inputs node and select the External Data Provider node. Drag and drop the same to the job workspace and configure the node with all the input parameters required for the job and click OK.

Figure 2: Using External Data Provider

Expand the Entity Resolution tab and select the Match Codes node. Drag and drop to the job workspace. Configure the Match Codes Node as required and click on OK.
Note: – In this document the example is to generate match codes for the input parameters. Other nodes can be configured as required based on the business requirement.

Figure 3: Generating Match Codes

Expand the Utilities tab and select the Field Layout node. Drag and drop to the job workspace. Change the order of columns as required and click on OK.

Figure 4: Field Layout node for Response

Save the Final Job.

Figure 5: Final Job

Register Data Job as a Real Time Data Service
Select the Data Management Servers tab -> Expand the Data Management Servers -> Select Folder Real-Time Data Services -> Right-click -> Select the Import…option.

Figure 6: Import as Real-Time Data Services

Navigate to the appropriate job location in the given repository and click on Next.

Figure 7: Navigate to Repository

Specify the details as required and click on Import.

Figure 8: Import From Repository

Once the import is completed the appropriate message will be displayed and the job is now seen in the folder imported to.

Figure 9: Import Status

Test the Real-Time Data Service
To test the imported service Right-click on the job and select the Test option.

Figure 10: Job Testing

Figure 11: Input and Output of Tesing

In a typical project scenario, the customer will provide the input list of attributes to be passed to the REST API.
REST API Related Tasks
Access the REST API URLs

The Data Management Server job or service name is referred to by its ID which is simply the name of the job or service (with its extension) Base64 encoded. Base64 encoding is a common standard used to encode paths or other resources names in any URL. For example, without Base 64 encoding a filename and path that contains a space can cause problems. For further tasks related to REST API the REST URL needs to be accessed.

Note:– Please note a sample server name has been used in this document. The respective server details will have to given in the http URL. The port number may be different based on the configuration done at the time of the installation.


Test the REST API

There are many APIs that can be used for testing the REST API generated. POSTMAN is one of the tools we can use to test API.

For first-time access, the Authorization details need to be entered. Select the Basic Auth as type and enter the relevant credentials for the DM server.

Once Authorization details are completed click on the Send icon and server details will be displayed. You can put server ID and hit POST to check REST API with the job you have created.

Comments (2)

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  • James Weighell

    November 26, 2021 - 2:21 pm

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