Problem Statement
Many forms, such as questionnaires, are very similar to one another in format and purpose. A dynamic form template based on metadata describing the business object model can make it easier and quicker to generate different versions of such a form. Using the template, create new forms automatically based on the changes in the data model.
This technique is useful when you need to update a form regularly in order to meet rapidly changing business and regulatory requirements. A typical use case is a questionnaire. You might need to get input from users in different contexts. While the format and style of the forms a user sees should remain constant, The actual questions you need to ask should vary from context to context.
In this tutorial, you will build a dynamic form that presents a basic questionnaire. You build an online application for heroes seeking employment. The agency is constantly tinkering with the application process, but by using the dynamic form you can create new forms on the fly without changing the application code.
Value Proposition
- The solution is easy to use, dynamic in nature and you can see your form taking shape as you add the elements and its attributes
- Dynamic forms are forms that change in real-time as people fill them out.
- Dynamic Forms provide an eye-catchy visual interface that allows people to see only the fields they want or need to see as the end-user
- Develop a component to create form controls dynamically.
Solution Strategy
Simplify Management
- •Form build
- •Collection data
- •Customize list
Data Model Design
- •Php based backed system
- •ETL Development
- •MySQL Custom database