Problem Statement
Key Requirement – Campaign Management Solution needs to create Campaigns for citizens. With the help of campaign output, various surveys are conducted, and feedback is collected.
The solution should provide information about citizen’s enrolment into various Schemes which are linked to Bhamashah Card like PENSION scheme, RATION scheme, BSBY scheme, and NREGA scheme.
Value Proposition
Intelligent Citizen Engagement modules is made-for-marketing interface along with automated, trackable, easy-to-repeat processes, analytical capabilities that enable users to turn
- Citizen insight into highly targeted segments
- Custom information mapping technology
- Enables campaign designers to access enterprise-wide data,
- Ability to customize the entire campaign process to fit Government needs.
Solution Strategy
Citizen Survey
- •Citizen survey Q&A Prep.
- •Forms Creation
- •Feedback collection Mechanism
Data Model Design
- •ETL Development
- •Designing Customer database
- •Design Information Maps
Campaign Execution & Analysis
- •Campaign Execution
- •Response Analysis
- •Update & Scoring Model